The Ivy Wellness Center offers colon hydrotherapy, naturopathic consultations, massage, and manual lymph drainage. We discuss diet and lifestyle habits that promote health and support you along your path of wellness. We’ve been serving Santa Cruz and the surrounding areas since 1979.
Colon hydrotherapy is our specialty. Colon hydrotherapy is a simple procedure with profound results. Over time it’s gone by various terms including colonics, colonic irrigation, high colonic, colon lavage, colon hydrotherapy. These are all terms for the simple procedure of introducing water into the colon and washing it out. It’s a gentle, simple, safe and effective process that has to be experienced in order to be fully understood. Clients always remark how good they feel after a hydrotherapy session, but it's a hard thing to explain, as one can only feel the difference for oneself. Try it and see for yourself! Colon hydrotherapy has been around in one form or another for thousands of years. It’s not a new concept, but rather an ancient one. And the reason it’s still around is because it’s effective in helping the body be healthier and happier, offering a lightness of being.
Colon hydrotherapy uses a gentle flow of purified water to hydrate and cleanse the entire five feet of large intestine. You are on the hydrotherapy equipment for 40-45 minutes. The entire session lasts about an hour. We use the Aquanet EC2000 equipment, which is a professional, state-of-the-art, FDA approved, colon hydrotherapy instrument. Single use disposable speculums and hoses are used for each client.
We aim for our clients to experience optimum rejuvenation in a soothing and caring environment. You will find gentle, caring and knowledgeable staff, who are highly skilled and committed therapists. We received specialized training and are certified members of I-ACT, the International Association of Colon Therapy.
Call 831-426-5460 to make an appointment or to find out more about our services. See our Contact page for details about where we are located. Thanks for visiting our web site. Deborah Hayes